Basic Microbiology and Immunology

An Undergraduate Library Subject Guide providing suggested resources and other information for beginning research on the topic Basic Microbiology and Immunology.

Introduction: Microbiology and Immunology
The course provides the fundamental knowledge needed by the learner to understand microorganisms and their application to the practice of nursing.  It also aims at equipping learners with knowledge of the organization and function of the immune system in health and disease.  This knowledge is essential for effective and adequate manipulation of the microorganisms and the immune system for the betterment of mankind.

Learning Outcomes 
By the end of this course, the learners  should be able to:
  • Locate, isolate, identify and preserve microorganisms.
  • Apply the principles of sterilization and disinfection.
  • Know microbial pathogenicity/virulence
  • Classify, characterize and give the pathophysiology of infections caused by medically important bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungus
  • Outline the principles of public health microbiology.
  • Describe the principles of laboratory methods and diagnosis of pathogenic organisms
  • Describe the functional organization and application of the immune system.
By the end of this course, the students should be able to:
  • Identify, collect, preserve and transport microbial specimen for laboratory investigations 
  • Interpret diagnostic tests as related to common clinical, laboratory, radiologic and pathologic findings in common disease states.
  • Explain immune responses found in healthy and disease states