Fundamental of Nursing and Health Assessment

An Undergraduate Library Subject Guide providing suggested resources and other information for beginning research on the topic Fundamental of Nursing and Health Assessment.

Introduction: Fundamental of Nursing and Health Assessment
This course introduces students to issues that will guide their practice as nurses and gives them insight into perspectives of health, illness and death. It covers history and evolution of Nursing; discipline and practice of Nursing; therapeutic interactions and philosophies.
It is an introductory pre-clinical course that is a prerequisite course to clinical placements; it recognizes prior learning of the subject by the student. A review of basic Nursing skills through the classroom presentation of theory followed by laboratory and clinical application is done.
The course covers all aspects in care of patients.
Course Objectives
  • To prepare students with professional competency in the Nursing practice 
  • To express understanding of Nursing as a discipline of knowledge and professional practice. 
  • To prepare the Nursing students with basic clinical skills necessary for this program.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course unit students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate the application of the Nursing process approach in care of the clients in various settings clients 
  • Apply the theories of nursing in patient care 
  • Demonstrate the correct techniques for assessing vital signs, interpreting results and taking correct Nursing interventions.
  • Analyze the current issues and trends of Nursing in Uganda.
  • Demonstrate effective use of therapeutic communication techniques in the establishment and maintenance of the nurse-patient relationship.
  • Demonstrate skills in history taking and physical examination 
At the end of this course, the student will be able to:
  • Demonstrate the application of Nursing theories in patient care 
  • Develop and apply therapeutic relationship with patients
  • Apply the Nursing process in patient care.
  • History taking 
  • Physical examination