Management and Leadership

An Undergraduate Library Subject Guide providing suggested resources and other information for beginning research on the topic Management and Leadership .

Introduction: Management and Leadership
This is an essential course for management and administrative practice. This course unit explore many theories, concepts and strategic management interventions related to Leadership and Management in nursing and health care delivery. The course is structured to present theories, concepts and models that are needed to transform self into a real transformational leader to manage people and processes effectively

Course Objectives

This course unit is formatted at the graduate level of study. It is intended to provide graduate nursing students with the theory, knowledge and application necessary to deal with management practice issues. It also focuses on the development of skills necessary for transformational leadership today. Many concepts are presented that impact patient care, the nursing staff, and the organization on a daily basis. It also introduces the students to systems of nurse management, administration and issues within the Uganda health care systems.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this period of study, students will be able to:
  • Describe the evolution of management.
  • List the management theories.
  • Analyze organizational management.
  • Describe leading and managing human resource.
  • Describe how to monitor resources and services
  • Analyze methods of budgeting and financial management of resource.