Biomolecules: Structures and Functions

An Undergraduate Library Subject Guide providing suggested resources and other information for beginning research on the topic Biomolecules: Structures and Functions .

Overview: Biomolecules
Basically, we shall deal with Carbohydrates: Structures and classifications (mono-, di- and poly-saccharide) examples and their chemical properties. Different types of glycosidic linkages. Isomerism in sugars (optical properties). Functions of selected sugars.

Proteins: Basic structure of α-amino acids, properties and classification of amino acids. Formation of peptide bond, levels of structural organization of proteins (primary, tertiary and quaternary). Protein isolation, purification, analysis and sequencing techniques.

Lipids: Functions and classification of lipids, fatty acids structures and nomenclature.

Vitamins: Definition of vitamins, role of vitamins in body metabolisms. Classification of vitamins (water soluble & fat soluble). Structure of common vitamin/coenzymes, Coenzyme form of vitamins and their functions in metabolism. Deficiency of common vitamins and effect of metabolism.