Introduction to fundamentals of Nursing informatics

An Undergraduate Library Subject Guide providing suggested resources and other information for beginning research on the topic Introduction to fundamentals of Nursing informatics.

Overview: Introduction to fundamentals of Nursing informatics
Information plays a vital role in the nursing process. As nurses, we collect information about our clients, use this data to develop nursing care plans, implement the plan, and communicate our findings with other health care providers. Advances in information technology allow nurses and nursing students to access vital information with the click of a button. For example, in hospitals and clinic offices, health care providers have access to electronic health records, which provide access to private and confidential client health information in a secured environment. Services such as telehealth provide a means for client education, as well as medical and health care services such as health monitoring or clinical diagnosis. Social media is also being used in health care to provide a means for clients to share experiences with one another or learn more about their medical condition.

Now more than ever, nurses have the opportunity to communicate and plan care more effectively, in collaboration with clients and other health care providers, due to advances in technology.

As a Student,

This chapter will provide you with a deeper understanding of nursing informatics and technology. Additionally, the nurse’s role in relation to electronic health records, telehealth, telehomecare, and social media will be discussed.